Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Sorry for delay in posts

Sorry for the delay in new posts - everyone in my family has been under the weather for a little while, but hopefully all will be over before Easter.

I have got some embroidered drawings in progress for this year's Art in Action and will hope to post these over the weekend but meanwhile I thought I would  add a few photographs that I took yesterday on the last week of  our photography course at Bath College (Mikey and myself).

Bath, England (Julie Heaton, 2016)
Putney Bridge, Bath, (Julie Heaton, 2016)

The tutor - Chris Arun - was very good at getting across the basics of how our digital SLR's worked and within no time had us all shooting in manual. Chris showed us many creative ways to use our lenses and even showed us how to make the most boring and mundane , i.e. Avon Street Car Park in Bath, into eye catching and intriguing photography. We were very lucky to see some of his multi faceted work and hear some hilarious stories about the life of a photographer. And whilst I love to use my sewing machine to make art. I have always loved photography since heading off to the Isle of White as a child with my mums very basic cubed camera where I discovered how easy it was to take one image on top of the other. And this time, it was even better because i shared the experience with my son.